Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R)

One among Parthenope University goals is to become an integral part of the European Research Area (ERA), thus generating an attractive effect for private investments and for the best European and international brains, reversing the negative trend of recent decades.

In the Official Journal of the European Union n. 251 / CE of 23 March 2005, the European Commission has adopted the Recommendation concerning the “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers“, by which, it established the guiding principles and common hinges to regulate relations between researchers and their employers, public and private, academic and non-academic, and invited the European institutions to ratify it.

With the aim of leading the actors operating in the E.R.A. to the concrete integration of the principles established by the “Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” in its institutional policies for the management of Human Resources, the European Commission has developed “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers”, HRS4R, a tool for assistance and support the institutions, in the implementation of the Charter and the Code, with a view to actively contributing to the creation of an attractive European labor market, open and sustainable for researchers.

The implementation of the HRS4R is a voluntary act open to all research bodies and funders who intend to commit themselves to concretely implement the principles enshrined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct.

It is a process that is divided into 5 phases:

  1. realization of the Gap Analysis, an internal analysis aimed at identifying the level of compliance with the principles of C&C in its internal policies and practices;
  2. publication of its HR Strategy and Action Plan, Human Resources Strategy and the related Implementation Plan, aimed at identifying the most significant critical issues and the concrete intervention measures proposed;
  3. obtaining the “HR Excellence in Research” logo from the European Commission, issued only on condition that certain requirements are met;
  4. execution of an internal self-evaluation analysis in the two years following the first approval of the use of the logo;
  5. confirmation or revocation of the right to use the logo, after an external evaluation after 4 years from the conferment.

The “HR Excellence in Research Award” is assigned to all institutions that have aligned their human resources policies to the principles set out in the European Charter and Code and that systematically seek to move towards excellence in the management of human resources in the research sector. Obtaining the HR Excellence in Research Award is a crucial step in attracting the best talents, European and non – European, and in promoting the key role of researchers in the social, cultural and economic development of Europe to the attention of the public. For Parthenope University it means to have the opportunity to increase its strategic value in terms of reputation and benefit from a further distinctive element in the evaluation of Horizon Europe project proposals, with particular reference to actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA).

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