The Course aims to provide students with a modern and competitive education in Management and Accounting. Graduates in Business Administration will be able to understand how today’s businesses and economic systems work, and will acquire the right skills and preparation to face the main challenges of the diverse business areas. From academic year 23/24 the whole course will be taught in English, from the first to the third year.
Thanks to the skills acquired in the recommended disciplines Three-year graduates in Business Administration, may find employment in the diverse areas of business management, marketing, production, logistics, finance, planning and control and administrative and tax management. They can also access internship opportunities at financial advisors’ offices and can start to get involved in activities related to auditing or consulting.
The course aims to train experts that are to be employed in different functional areas of production and service companies, both public and private. The program focuses on management and on the diverseareas of business management. Students will also have the opportunity to attend the the course for the whole duration of the degree in English so as to be prepared to work for companies with a strong orientation towards internationalization. IFinally, students may also apply for a Double Degree with two universities abroad; while other agreements are currently being finalized.
Course Duration: 3 years
Number of Exams: 20
Number of Credits: 180
Access: Free
Double Degree: Yes
Class Affiliation: L-18
Department: Business and Quantitative Studies (DiSAQ)
Al termine del percorso formativo il laureato è in grado di applicare le conoscenze teoriche a specifici contesti reali che si riferiscono sia ad aree funzionali d’azienda, quali il commerciale e marketing, l’amministrazione e la finanza, il controllo, la gestione delle risorse umane, ecc., sia a settori produttivi diversi come le aziende private e pubbliche, le aziende di produzione e di servizi, sia ad ambiti disciplinari diversi quali l’area giuridica, statistico-matematica e economico generale.
Tale obiettivo viene raggiunto mediante un’impostazione didattica degli insegnamenti, in particolare quelli del secondo e del terzo anno, che prevede lezioni in aula corredate da esempi, esercitazioni, testimonianze aziendali.
Prof.ssa Adele Parmentola
Palazzo Pacanowski – Via Generale Parisi, 13 – 80132 Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
P.IVA 01877320638 | C.F. 80018240632
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