The University of Naples “Parthenope” (UNP) has been awarded as one of Italy’s leading research universities by ANVUR (The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes). UNP was ranked #7 out of 61 universities in “Quality of Research” (R1&R2 indicators) and #2 out of 15 when compared with the universities of similar size.Taking into consideration the quality of research of new hiring researchers amid universities of similar size, UNP is ranked as #1 out of 15. UNP has accomplished an outstanding score, resulting in the first Southern University in all the ranking related to the “quality of research” indicators.
The ranking is part of the Research Quality Assessment exercises (Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca, VQR) carried out by ANVUR. This assessment aims to evaluate the research outcomes of public universities and research institutes. The evaluation considers the research output of each Italian University between 2015-2018.The number of research products (scientific articles, books, case studies, etc..) submitted by all the universities is 182,648 and the number of reviewers involved has been about 11.951. These numbers give a snapshot of the assessment efforts’ and magnitude.
Each reviewer had to assess by considering the Originality, the methodological sturdiness, and the impact of each research product. Then, a score has been assigned among the following categories,
a) Excellent and Extremely Relevant (ECR)- SCORE 1
b) Excellent (EC) -SCORE 0.8
c) Standard (ST) -SCORE0.5
d) Sufficient Relevance (SUF)- SCORE 0.2
e) Low Relevance or Unacceptable – (SR) SCORE 0
We are so proud of this result; it represents an essential acknowledgment for UNP’s faculty, research fellows, students, and the administrative and technical staff supporting them.