The key words of the Course are urban space and territory. The two elements are studied as environment of opportunities to be developed or as environment to be safeguarded from anthropic and natural risks. Moreover,the educational offer is enriched by case studies, that allow graduates to adapt immediately to the professional world.
Graduates can have access to positions in public administrations or find employment in construction or design companies or consultancy on environmental and territorial safety.
The key words of the course in Civil and Environmental Engineering for Hazard Mitigation are urban space and territory. In a unified way, these are studied both as environments of opportunity where to develop and build, and as environments to be safeguarded from related natural and anthropogenic risks. Three good reasons to study civil and environmental engineering at Uniparthenope:
Course Duration: 3 years
Credits: 180
Access: Free
Double Degree: No
Class Membership: L-7
Department: Engineering
The general approach of the course, based on the methodological rigor of scientific subjects and including time dedicated to self-study, will allow students to develop the necessary competences and comprehension skills that will help them understand some of the most recently developed topics.
Prof.ssa DELLA MORTE Renata
Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4 – 80143 Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
P.IVA 01877320638 | C.F. 80018240632
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