Computer science solutions and technologies play a primary role in various fields of production and research. Studying computer science is a very creative activity and the percentage of graduates under 30 who find employment is very high even compared to other scientific fields.
Graduates can find employment in private companies or public bodies and public administrations as analyst programmers or experts in computer systems and methodologies.
In the midst of the “Digital Age”, information technologies are an integral part of our daily lives and the proliferation of applications of Artificial Intelligence is a concrete example. Studying Computer Science and developing high quality and successful solutions is a highly creative activity in all modern production and research fields.The number of under 30s, with a degree in Computer Science who find employment is very high even compared to other scientific fields.
Course Duration: 3 years
Number of Exams: 18
Number of Credits: 180
Access: Free
Double Degree: No
Class Affiliation: L-31
Department: Science and Technology
Graduates will be able to apply basic mathematical and physical knowledge to solve simple problems. Graduates are able to apply in a conscious way the methodologies, techniques and tools of Computer Science, both in theoretical and applied contexts, and to analyze objectively and quantitatively the solutions they propose and develop. Graduates will also gain the ability to understand, interact and solve application problems in different areas.
Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4 – 80143 Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
P.IVA 01877320638 | C.F. 80018240632
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