The program prepares managers specialized in the governance of maritime companies, logistics operators and port authorities. These professionals are increasingly required for the development of sustainable maritime strategies and actions (Blue Growth – European Commission).
Graduates with a Master’s Degree in Maritime Economy can be employed in managerial positions in private companies operating in the industry of the Blue Economy. In the public sector, the graduates can have access to administrative and managerial jobs in Port Authorities, Regions or Ministries.
The program prepares managers specialized in the governance of companies that work in sectors . These professionals are increasingly required for the importance that the European Commission attaches to the sustainable development of sea and coastal resources (The EU Blue Economy Report. 2019). The main sectors involved are land-sea logistics, shipbuilding, coastal and cruise tourism, marine extraction industry, environmental regulation and protection, and the fishing industry.
Course Duration: 2 years
Number of Exams: 12
Credits: 120
Access: Free
Double Degree: No
Class Membership: LM-77
Department: Business and Quantitative Studies
The interdisciplinary structure of the program is aimed at providing students with advanced economic and management tools in the field of economic analysis and strategic planning, with emphasis on the business dynamics that characterizes the main sectors of Blue Economy. Students gain insights into the organizational and managerial aspects of shipowning, terminal and port authority companies and understand their development in terms of competitive and corporate strategies, according to the evolution of the international scenario.
Prof. CORSARO Stefania
Palazzo Pacanowski – Via Generale Parisi, 13 – 80132 Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
P.IVA 01877320638 | C.F. 80018240632
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