This MSc program, unique in the national panorama, aims at creating professional and scientific profiles with in-depth and critical knowledge of the methodologies, techniques and tools of Navigation. It is divided into three curricula, each of which prepares highly-qualified professionals in the fields of navigation, aeronautics and climatology.
The program provides various employment opportunities specific to the chosen path, for example at institutions and companies in the field of navigation (maritime, aeronautical, terrestrial), national and international research organizations or public bodies for meteorological and oceanographic monitoring. Besides, graduates will gain the necessary skills to access public or private selective procedures in the specific areas of relevance.
The Master’s Degree in Navigation science and Technology, unique in the national landscape, is divided into the following three curricula, each of which trains specialists in the related field:
Graduates will gain the ability to work both independently and as part of a team in technical-scientific contexts, performing managerial and organizational tasks. Three key words that characterize the training path are knowledge, competence and ability, associated with the scientific and technical aspects of the course and its curriculum.
Course Duration: 2 years
Number of Exams: 13
Credits: 120
Access: Free
Double Degree: No
Class Membership: LM-72
Department: Science and Technology
Graduates will gain an understanding of the scientific, technological, and managerial aspects related to the various fields of maritime navigation and surveying science and technology, flight management and safety, and of the sciences of meteorology, oceanography, and climatology, with particular reference to real-world application contexts.
Prof. PARENTE Claudio
Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4 – 80143 Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
P.IVA 01877320638 | C.F. 80018240632
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