The focus on digital innovations and the issue of sustainable development of public administration make this course highly professionalizing and modern as it addresses the changes in public institutions. The learning is conducted with an innovative experiential approach, thus enriching the training offer.
Graduate can take on managerial roles in public or private companies and in the third sector. They can also offer consulting services to public administrations on environmental sustainability or technological enhancement.
The MSc in Public Management analyzes public institutions with a multidisciplinary approach and through experiential learning, innovative methods and integrative multimedia content, provides a highly professional and modern training, focused on digital innovations and sustainable development in Public Administration (PA).
The program provides a common annual path and, in the second year, two different paths of specialization:
Course Duration: 2 years
Number of Exams: 10
Credits: 120
Access: Free
Double Degree: No
Class Membership: LM-63
Department: Law
By the end of the prgram students will have gained interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding in the economic-business, legal and political-sociological fields required to understand issues related to innovation and sustainable development in Public Administration. Specifically, students will have knowledge of: logics, models and tools for operating in the public administration and private organizations; models and tools for operating in the institutional contexts and markets of public and private organizations; legal institutions governing the operations of organizations and institutional contexts; mathematical and statistical methods and tools for economic analysis, identification of problems ans solutions in decision-making.
Prof. LEPORE Luigi
Palazzo Pacanowski – Via Generale Parisi, 13 – 80132 Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
P.IVA 01877320638 | C.F. 80018240632
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