

At Parthenope international students, research fellows, postgraduates and university personnel may have access to computer labs and computerized classrooms by reservation, which are available for autonomous use.

The University of Naples Parthenope provides 180 sleeping accommodations for students – organized in single and double rooms – in a totally remodelled and newly refurbished building called “ex Manifattura Tabacchi” located in Naples, via Galileo Ferraris.

On the ground floor, in addition to the entrance hall and the offices, there is bicycle parking, a gym, a canteen and a laundry, while on the mezzanine floor, there is a music room, an Internet room, a games room, a TV and meeting room.

In the loft, there is a large open space that can be divided into individual study rooms using mobile partition panels. Moreover, 12 adequately equipped accommodations are reserved for students with physical or sensory disabilities.

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The Library of the University of Naples Parthenope  was founded in 1920, when the Royal Naval Institute was established. The main library is located on the ground floor of Palazzina Spagnola (Via Acton 38), while an additional section centred on the theme of engineering and science and technology is located at the Centro Direzionale.

The library supports all teaching and research activities carried out at the university, and its collections, catalogues, organization and services characterize its evolving and constantly updated profile.

It provides students, faculty members and technical and administrative staff of the University of Naples Parthenope with resources that can be easily accessed during regular office hours.

The bibliographic resources currently include approximately 60,000 printed works and approximately 14,000 online works of law, economics, engineering, science and technology and sports science , as well as various multidisciplinary databases. Among the special collections, there is a well-known collection of ancient books called the “Bourbon collection” (approximately 4,000 volumes), whose original core volumes were brought by the Bourbon Royal Navy for the education of Navy officer cadets.

The wifi service is available through EDUROAM  a secure wireless access service that allows to international students ad researchers to use their home institutions credentials to access wireless internet services and to all the services of the University network from personal mobile devices.

University Canteens

All locations at Parthenope University provide a canteen service with self service system, both for one dish meals and full meals, with discounts related to personal income The canteen at Pakanowski building (Via G Parisi 13 offers a space dedicated to wood fired pizza