The ISEE is an indicator of the economic condition of the family and it is issued by the National Social Security Institute named as INPS (Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale). The ISEE reports the economic condition of families and/or individuals with income and assets in Italy. You can request it directly from the INPS web site ( through a device PIN code or through a CAF (a tax assistance center, free of charge).
To receive the ISEE you have to fill out a Single Self-Declaration called DSU and send it to the INPS, by yourself or through a CAF. When the DSU has been correctly submitted, the request has been made and you receive a receipt where you can see the subscription date of the DSU. Please note that you should ask the ISEE “for University use” and it must be linked to the fiscal code of the student that makes the request; Generally, INPS calculates and provide the ISEE certificate within 20 days form the request. You must renew the request for an ISEE each year since it is not possible to confirm the previous year’s data (even if the income has not been changed).
ISEE-U PARIFICATO for international Students
For international students or Italian students living abroad, a reduction of tuition fees is available by submitting the ISEE-U parificato (instead of ISEE).
You have to request the ISEE-U parificato if:
To get the ISEE-U parificato, you have to contact an authorized CAF. Here a list
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Amm. F. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli (NA)
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