Economics, statistics and sustainability

Program description and purpose

The PhD program in Economics, Statistics and Sustainability has an interdisciplinary approach and
an international profile since its 34th edition. The faculty group has high scientific qualifications
and internationally recognized. Faculty joined regional, national and international programs (e.g.

The PhD

The Department of Economics and Legal Studies offers a graduate program leading to the PhD in Economics and Statistics and Sustainability. The department has a young and motivated professors, distinguished tradition, kept alive by a strong, research-oriented faculty and student body whose interests range from theory to applied subjects.

Graduate education in economics at the PhD in Economics and Statistics and Sustainability
provides rigorous training and encourages students to do original and innovative work.
Students learn to use the economic tools (including classes math, statistics and econometric, finance) and master specialized topics, declined along sustainability notion.

Th PhD program developed important synergies with corporate sector, offering an industrial dimension. It declines topics alongside corporate studies, while offering scholarships for corporate studies (granted by national and regional research grants).

Duration: 3 years
Subjects: Management, Political Economy, Economic History, Economics and Rural Valuation, Economic Statistics, Economics and Business Management, Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences, Applied Physics

Professional prospects

The PhD aims to train scholars able to carry on scientific research nationally and internationally. The program will open to the academic career in public and private economic and statistical research institutes regionally, nationally and internationally; in public administration and international organizations, public and private corporations; but also to careers in the economics, finance, statistics and institutional fields or as consultants in agencies, authorities and financial intermediaries.

Leggi di più

Professors are engaged in fundraising and creation of professional opportunities also through research projects regionally, nationally and internationally. 

Among them:
PRIN 2015; POR “Sistema Universitario Campano” 2014; PRIN 2012 (leader): Taxation, moral tax and tax evasion; PRIN 2009 Macroeconomic and Economic Policy Implications of the Black Economy and Tax Evasion; Eurostat (08-14): Multivariate statistical methods for risk assessment; Quality, methodology and research: Methodological support Guidelines, tools and desktop study for the implementation of the methods for an integrated system of European Social Surveys; Small Area Methods for Poverty and Living Condition Estimates (VII Prog. Quadro) Prog. Reg. (LR 28.3.02 n. 5 ann. different), on issues of sustainability, recognizable quality products.


Program Directors

Prof. BUSATO Francesco



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Via Acton, 38 - 80133 Napoli

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081.5475151 - 136 - 248 - 617

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