How to Enrol

Are you an international student? Welcome to University Parthenope! Here, you will find all the information about your enrolment. Please follow the next steps and check which documents you need to complete your application.

Platform Universitaly is still closed for submissions for A.Y. 25/ 26; 

Kindly check our news section for updates.

Deadlines depend on the course chosen. Check the page of the course from the General Catalogue.

The online pre-admission process on Universitaly is mandatory for all non-UE students living abroad and in the need of a VISA;this is the ONLY way to be screened and have a chance to be pre-admitted.


The short guide on the Pre-enrollment procedure for the A.Y. 25/26 HERE.

K.N. To apply on Universitaly  NO PRE-ADMISSION LETTERS ARE REQUESTED and no pre-evaluations are needed before applying on Universitaly.

Once you will have registered, your request will be screened by the Committee on Admissions and a pre-admission letter will be sent only to those students whose application will have received a positive feedback. 

K.N. Request for pre-admissions will not be accepted if sent via e-mail.

The screening process may take up to 5/6 weeks or more depending on the volume of applications (offices are closed on weekends), therefore it is useless to send e-mails asking for updates.

  • EU citizens living inside and outside Italy holding a title achieved abroad should send an e-mail at, indicating the course to which they would like to apply.
  • EU citizens living inside and outside Italy holding a high school diploma or a bachelor degree issued by an Italian institution recognized by the MUR, can proceed with the pre-enrollement using the web platform of ESSE3. 


Send an e-mail to indicating the course you are interested in and specifying  the reasons why you are already living in Italy.

In order to enrol at an Italian University, the following documents are required.

  1. undergraduate degree and Single cycle degree: original copy (or certified copy) of final secondary education qualification, obtained after at least 12 scholastic study years, or a legal substitute certificate (with an official translation in Italian if the language is other than English or French); the final qualification must be accompanied by: a declaration/statement released by an ENIC-NARIC centre (i.e., CIMEA*); or (alternatively) a Dichiarazione di valore issued by the Italian embassy/consulate.

K.N.The submission of the DOV or CIMEA certificate is not mandatory before students’ physical arrival in Parthenope, therefore the important thing is to show this document in the moment of enrollment and not necessarily when applying for the VISA.

  1. graduate degree (2-year course, Laurea Magistrale): an original copy (or certified copy) with an official translation in Italian (if the language is other than English or French) of an academic qualification gained from a higher education that allows access in the issuing country to further studies at academic institutions at the next level; the final qualification may be accompanied at the discretion of each individual higher education institution by: a declaration/statement released by an ENIC-NARIC centre (i.e., CIMEA*); or (alternatively) a Dichiarazione di valore issued by the Italian embassy/consulate

K.N.The submission of the DOV or CIMEA certificate is not mandatory before students’ physical arrival in Parthenope, therefore the important thing is to show this document in the moment of enrollment and not necessarily when applying for the VISA.

 The cost that students have to pay to Cimea for the Comparability Statement is 150€ ;the cost for the ARDI Correspondance and Verification is 150€.

Should you wish to have both, you can proceed with the 300€ package (Comparability and Verification service).






Courses taught in Italian: Italian language skills are mandatory for enrolling at the University of Naples Parthenope for all courses taught in Italian.

You are not required to sit for the Italian Language exam if you hold one of the following documents:

  • an Italian high school diploma (obtained in Italy or abroad)
  •  a B2 or a higher level language proficiency certificate issued by:
  • one of the members of the CLIQ (Quality Certification of the Italian Language-Università per stranieri di Perugia, Università per stranieri di Siena, Università Roma Tre, Società “Dante Alighieri”)
  • certificates issued by Università per stranieri “Dante Alighieri” di Reggio Calabria, or other entities recognized by it such as Istituto di Cultura Italiana;

Just upload the certificate on Universitaly when doing the pre-enrollment or include it in the documents to be screened for the evaluation.

If you do not possess a certificate or a diploma of knowledge of Italian language, you will be contacted by the University Linguistic Center, who will address you.

Students who did not submit any certificate of Italian language (level B2) and applied for a Degree held in Italian, should send an email at to apply for the test.

Each one will be then, contacted individually to know date and venue of the exam.

For more information on exemptions from the language exams, check the document here.

Courses taught in English: For courses held in English, students must submit or deliver satisfactory certification of adequate knowledge of the language.(Level B2)

Shouldn’t they possess any satisfactory certification, the Committee of Admissions may decide to set an interview in which the level of English will be tested.

Depending on the Committee, certificates such as MOI (mean of instructions) may not be considered a valid proof of knowledge.

DUO LINGUO is not accepted.

Certificates recognized by the Ministry of Education are available here

If the the University of Naples Parthenope will accept your application, the secretariat will upload the acceptance letter (the so called “Modello D”) on the Universitaly website directly while validating your pre-enrolment application.

An e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address indicated on your registration form; make sure to check the spam forlder as well!

After the acceptance, students are strongly recommended to schedule the appointment at the Embassy/Consulate for the VISA application.

For A.Y. 25/26 the deadline submit a request for a Visa is 30th Nov. 2025. Please note that pre-enrolment alone does not ensure admission to our degree programs. In order to matriculate you also need to take and pass the verifications of the entry requirements and the admission procedures set for the degree program of your interest. Please, view the rules and the procedures  for entry, residency, and enrolment provided by the Italian Ministry by clicking HERE.

In order to get the study visa type D to Italy, students are mainly required to submit the following documents at our Embassy:

  • the summary of the pre-enrolment request on Universitaly web portal
  • entry visa application form (Model D)
  • recent passport-size photo
  • passport or travel document valid for at least three months after the visa expiration date
  • proof that the applicant has adequate accommodation in Italy (confirmation that you have booked or that you already have an accommodation in Italy)
  • Enrolment or pre-enrolment in the degree programme to take place in Italy
  • Adequate insurance coverage for medical treatment and hospitalisation (please keep in mind that, after your arrival in Italy, you can do a voluntary enrolment with the Italian National Health Service, only if this is accepted by the Italian Embassy in your country)
  • proof of means of support in Italy of not less than € 467,65for each month of the academic year, a total of 6079,45€ per year. This availability can be proven through proof of personal or family resources or guarantee of financial resources by accredited Italian institutions or agencies, local governments, or foreign institutions or agencies considered trustworthy by the Italian Diplomatic Representation.
  • Proof of the availability of the financial means needed for repatriation;

The requirements and procedures to issue a visa are indicated in a special provision, published annually by the MIUR, in agreement with MAECI and Ministry of the Interior.

Please note: if you have a Type ‘D’ visa you must apply for the Residency Permit within 8 working days upon arrival in Italy.

For all details about obtening a visa for Italy also visit the following websites:

Submission of the required documentation does not automatically guarantee visa issuance. Upon entering Italy and the Schengen Area, even if you have a visa, Border Authorities are authorized once again to check the documents required. 

For all enquiries, please contact,  we will reply to you in the shortest time.

K.N. Requests will be processed in 5 working days.

Offices are closed on weekends (Sat-Sun).

To start the enrolment procedure, we strongly suggest to find out more about degree programmes (undergraduate and graduate). Courses will start in September (first semester) of each academic year and are half-yearly. Our course catalogue is presented HERE.