Service sector regulation in the Italian
and European Legal System

Program description and purpose

The PhD aims to train students about juridical profiles linked to entrepreneurial activities of production in services and in the advanced third sector, using an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on domestic, european and international economic scenarios.

The PhD

The PhD in “Service sector regulation in the Italian and European Legal System” 


What makes the PhD in “Services Law in the Italian and European Legal System” valuable from a scientific point of view is the convergence of several phenomena: 


  1. a) the economic development of the supply of services and the consequential transformation of the economic scenario that is always more and more services sector oriented.


  1. b) the new methods of management for the public services sector, their privatization and assigning to private companies and the regulation concerning the deals between them and the public institutions about long term concessions, essential for providing welfare.


  1. c) the digitalization and the automation of the service sector by the use of new technologies such as A.I. and block-chain


The main topics are:

services companies; deals concerning the supply of services; consumer/user protection; 

services of general economic interest and the content and limits of the so-called dd. universal services;

digitalization and information companies services; health and logistics law; tourism law; media and telecommunications law; sports law and its regulation; taxation of the environment and energy sector services; European regulation about free supply of services, establishment and international deals; services and competition law.

Duration: 3 years
Discipline: Private Law, Public Law, Constitutional Law, Union Law European; Commercial Law, Tax Law, International Law, Philosophy of Law, Criminal Law

Professional prospects

The PhD aims to train highly qualified scholars; experts in the analysis and in the practical professional usage of juridical tools involved in the regulation of services in traditional and new economic activities.

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Professional outcomes are oriented both to the academic sector and the public or private research organizations, nationally and internationally. The PhD student at the end of the program will gain the necessary knowledge and competences to research and publish on highly specialized scientific magazines, but also to start a career in private companies putting into practice the innovative and highly specialized juridical skills acquired.


Rilevante è anche lo sbocco verso le autorità indipendenti, nazionali ed europee, nelle quali sono sempre più richieste figure professionali in grado di coniugare attività di ricerca e individuazione di soluzioni operative, e verso la pubblica amministrazione, anche in ragione del processo di e-government che la caratterizza.


Another very interesting outcome consists in getting involved in domestic and european independent authorities, where professionals able to link the research activity to hands-on experience finding concrete solutions are largely requested, or in the public administration thanks to the ongoing e-government process.


Program Directors

Prof.ssa SCHEPISI Cristina



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