Tuition Fees and Term Dates

Each year University Parthenope  establishes the amount of tuition fees to sustain a part of the cost of services (classes, laboratories, general services) dedicated to students.

Tuition and fee costs are subject to change and are determined each year. Please be aware that future tuition costs, fees, and standard student budget amounts may differ from year to year. Updated figures will be published on this website .This amount is not constant and invariable as it depends on several factors. Tuition fees for EU and non-EU students are adjusted according to the principles of fairness, solidarity, and progressivity. They hinge on the students’ family income in order to guarantee the right to education and to the highest levels of study and to reduce the university drop-out rate. Please note that tuition fees do not include accommodation and books.The tuition fee system of Parthenope University calculates the fees according to:·

  • Economic Situation: determined exclusively by the ISEE amount (view more details on ISEE here);
  • Academic merit: based on all CFU credits obtained according to the Law 232/2016.
  • Seniority: based on all the years of enrolment at the Parthenope University


How much to pay

You can refer to the tuition fee simulator to calculate the regular fee according to your  conditions. By entering your ISEE value and the Degree Programme in which you wish to enrol, you will receive information on the amount of tuition fees which you might pay for the entire academic year, with indications on possible instalment dates.

Delays in the submission of ISEEU certificate will cost students € 100,00

Penalties related to delays in the payment of fees will vary according to amount of days after the deadline:

TABLE 1 -Variable Amount
0 – 5days: € 10
6 – 10 days: € 20
11- 15 days: € 30
16 -20 days: € 40
21- 25 days: € 50
26 – 30 days: € 60
31 days or beyond: € 70

ENROLMENT IN THE FIRST YEAR- DEADLINE FOR BACHELORS DEGREE AND SINGLE CYCLE DEGREES:  31st October 2023 + a grace period of 10 days for the institution to acquire the ISEE;


29th February 2024+a grace period of 10 days for the institution to acquire the ISEE;


Registrations for 2nd or more years must be done within 31st October 2023 +grace period of 10 days for the institution to acquire the ISEE;

Payments done after the deadline but within 31st December 2023 will increase according to the table indicated above in TABLE 1;

Payments done after 31st December will be increased according to the Table 1 and will need to be authorized by the Rector after the submission of the relative form.

Sanction will not be paid by students  enrolling in the first years if the VISA is released after the standard deadline set by the University;


University “Parthenope” DOES NOT ACCEPT payments done before students are phisically in Italy. This means that fees should be paid ONLY by those students who receive a VISA and complete the enrolment by coming to the International Office.

For more info on official requirements asked by embassies or consulates please refer ONLY to

Non-EU students, not residing in Italy, who do not submit any ISEE-U certificate, in accordance with the provisions in c. 261 of art. 1 of the law 11 November 2016 n. 232, will have to pay a yearly all-inclusive tuition fee of € 1,000.00 , plus the virtual stamp duty (€ 16,00) and the regional tax for the right to study. Payment will be done according to the deadlines and the number of instalments indicated above (see the tables).

Non-EU students who wish to produce the ISEE-U to submit at the Students’ Secretariat will have to rely on one of the many CAF (Fiscal Assistance Center).

Least Developed Countries

International students belonging to a Least Developed Country ( as of Dec-2023) as resulting in the Ministerial Decree issued annually by MIUR, are exempt from paying the all-inclusive tuition fee except for the stamp duty and the regional tax.

Refugee Students

For international students recognized as refugee (Law 15 October 1991 n. 344) and / or asylum seeker (Legislative Decree 28/1/2008 n. 25), the university can establish total exemption from the contribution based on the assessment given by a commission appointed by the Rector. This committett evaluates the financial condition and the eligibility to benefit from the University’s educational offer. For foreign students living in Italy, the contribution is calculated based on the ISEE report. International students identified as refugees/asylum seekers must follow the same procedures suggested for EU students.


Scholarships A.Y. 2023/24 - Submissions closed on 15th Sept. 2023

In line with its internationalization strategies for increasing incoming mobility and attractiveness to foreign students, the University of Naples Parthenope is pleased to grant a limited number of scholarships and exemption from the payment of tuition fees (except for the regional taxes) reserved to non-EU prospective students.

The competition calls for the assignment of 12 university scholarships, international mobility grants, and bachelor’s and master’s degree prizes is open to students who will enroll in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program held completely or partially in English language, as defined below at the University of Naples “Parthenope” A.Y. 2023/2024.

All students who have non-EU citizenship are considered international, including Italian citizens with citizenship in a non-EU country, and who have obtained the qualification valid for access to a Bachelor or Master’s degree course in Italy.

Students of any nationality are qualified as international, if the titles required for admission to the chosen BA/MA programs were obtained outside the Italian education system.

By “matriculation”, it is meant the first enrolment in the first year of a study course. Enrolments in the following years, changes among courses and transfers to other universities, are not intended as matriculations.

The University of Naples “Parthenope” grants twelve (12) scholarships, each one amounting to € 2000,00 before taxes and any other duties or fees applicable according to Italian laws. The Scholarship is granted for one academic year and will be paid in 2 instalments each one of € 1000. Beneficiaries will be exempted from the payment of the tuition fees for the academic year 2023/2024, except for the regional tax and stamp duty.

The 12 scholarships are related to the bachelor’s and master’s Degrees Programs reported in Table A (2 scholarships for each program).






Machine Learning and Big Data



Fashion, Art and Food Management

LM -77


Management Engineering



Marketing and International Management



Business Administration



International Business Management



To be included in the ranking, applicants for the scholarship must:


  • hold citizenship in a non-EU country.
  • not be resident in Italy.
  • have obtained a foreign academic qualification equivalent in level, type, content, and academic rights (access to further courses), to the Italian academic qualification required for access to the chosen study program.
  • Students should have completed their previous educational career before and received the title before 15th July 2023;
  • have never been enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s, or single-cycle degree courses at University of Naples “Parthenope” previously;
  • have an adequate knowledge of the English language.
  • have curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation.
  • have pre-enrolled at the University through the Universitaly website and must have obtained a letter of admission for enrollment from the University Parthenope.

Applicants must complete and submit the following form within 15th September 2023 within the midnight (CET). Applications submitted after the deadline will be rejected automatically. Candidates are strongly recommended to prepare the required documents in advance. To complete the application, candidates must upload the following documents:

1. Copy of passport (only pages relating to personal data);
2. Copy of the degree title or certificate of enrollment certifying the expected graduation date (if the document is not in English, an official translation in Italian or English is required)
3. Certificate of the study plan showing the list of exams taken, grades, range of minimum and maximum grades, and possibly GPA (if the document is not in English, an official translation in Italian or English is required).
4. Curriculum vitae in English drawn up according to the European format;
5. Certificate of knowledge of the English language;
6. Statement of Purpose (in English), in which the candidate argues and justifies his/her enrolment at the University of Naples Parthenope (max 1500 words);
7. Any other document that the candidate considers useful for the assessment, including the Declaration of Value (DoV) or Certificate of Comparability of the qualification, Certificates of attendance to Masters, Summer Courses, Workshops, work experiences, etc .;
8. Pre-admission letter (Lettera di idoneità alla immatricolazione) issued by the University of Naples “Parthenope” 

Candidates are also required to register and authenticate themselves on the ESSE3 platform by creating an account through the following link:;jsessionid=D8C B44EC4C32BA4340814A7630C892F2 .esse3-uniparthenope-prod-04? cod_lingua = eng

    1. A special Admission Committee will be nominated by the Rector. The Committee will certify the regularity of the applications and will evaluate curricular requirements and personal preparation of the suitable candidates only.
    2. To each applicant, the Committee will give a score for a maximum of 100 points as- signed based on the criteria outlined in the table below (TABLE B)
    3. The Committee draws up a ranking of possible beneficiaries for each course.
    4. Applicants will be considered as eligible if their score will be equal to or higher than 30/100.
    5. In the case of parity, the younger candidate will prevail over the older one.
    6. In case the number of allotments is lower than the number of available scholarships, by compensation, the additional scholarship could be assigned to the study course which will have more eligible beneficiaries than the scholarships assigned originally.
    7. Once the assessment step has been completed, the Committee will transfer the results to the office in charge for publication on the website







Curriculum          studiorum; marks, GPA, postgraduate courses, international mobility, work experiences and other relevant extra-academic activities.



Relevance between the study program and the previous educational path



Cover letter: clarity of exposition, motivation, general/specific characteristics of the study plan, ability to write in English language, uniqueness.





Total Score



Students who benefit or have already benefited from another scholarship provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) will not be eligible for the call and will be asked to choose which of the 2 scholarships they will accept.


Each beneficiary will receive a communication in the same e-mail box indicated during the submission of the request.

In order to accept the scholarship, beneficiaries must reply to the e-mail to the, within 20 days from the date of notification of the granting of the scholarship, under penalty of exclusion.

The scholarship will be paid only if the successful candidate will fully complete the enrollment within the terms allowed for the Academic Year 2023/24.

Foreign students who need an entry visa for Italy must also obtain this entry visa and, after arriving in Italy, apply for a residence permit for study purposes. The scholarship will be revoked whether the entry Visa request will be rejected or if beneficiaries do not submit a request for a residence permit.


The right to the scholarship is lost if:


  • The student incurs disciplinary sanctions higher than written censorship, for infractions committed against the University.
  • The student withdraws from studies or transfers to another university during the academic year 2023/2024.
  • The University verifies the untruthfulness of the data declared by the student.
  • The student does not achieve the 50% of the total CFU scheduled to be completed in the first year of the course.


Students who resulted as “eligible” will have to communicate their bank account details by sending a form that will be requested from the International Office, in order to enable the refund of the university tuition fees, as well as the payment of the balance of the scholarship for the admissible students who resulted BENEFICIARY.


The scholarships will be disbursed in 2 installments by bank transfer to a bank account, or prepaid card, with an Italian IBAN in the name or joint name of the beneficiary student only if the payment status of each student will be regular and if the students will have achieved the number of CFU targeted.

The 1st installment, of 1000 euros, will be paid within 15th July 2024 only if the beneficiary will achieve a total of 6 CFU within 30th June 2024;

The 2nd installment of 1000 euros will bepaid within 30th November 2024 only if the beneficiary will achieve the 50% of the total CFU scheduled in the first year of his study plan. Within 30th September 2024;

The ranking is published in the University Notice Board fees-and-scholarships

In case a beneficiary rejects or does not complete the matriculation, the list will be scrolled and the ranking position will vary in order to give the possibility to other eligible students in the ranking list to become beneficiaries according to their total score.


The responsible for the procedure is MARIALAURA ELIANI, International Affairs Office e-mail:

tel: +390815475864

University of Naples “Parthenope”is the controller of the personal data processing. Internal and external people have been appointed as regards to this issue. A Data Protection Officer (D.P.O.) has also been appointed and is available at

The original version of this call has been written in Italian language and this translation is only meant for informative purposes; for the resolution on any dispute and for each legal effect the only one to be taken into consideration is the Italian one.

For anything not expressly indicated please refer to the University regulation for each topic.

Ranking is not out yet.