Italian Language Course for foreign students and PhD students- Level A2

The University of Naples “Parthenope” is pleased to announce that the Italian language course will start on Thursday 28th April 2022 This course is open to exchange students, foreign students and PhD students willing to learn Italian. Classes will be broadcasted on Teams (online) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 pm to 7 pm (six… Continue reading Italian Language Course for foreign students and PhD students- Level A2

University of Naples “Parthenope” ranks in the top 5% of the Global 2000 list by the Center for World University Rankings 22/23 edition

University of Naples “Parthenope” ranks in the top 5% out of 19,788 universities worldwide according to the 2022-23 edition of the Global 2000 list by The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the largest academic rankings of global universities. The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the largest academic rankings of global universities.… Continue reading University of Naples “Parthenope” ranks in the top 5% of the Global 2000 list by the Center for World University Rankings 22/23 edition

The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) ranks the University of Naples “Parthenope” as the First University for “Quality of Research” in Southern Italy.

The University of Naples “Parthenope” (UNP) has been awarded as one of Italy’s leading research universities by ANVUR (The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes). UNP was ranked #7 out of 61 universities in “Quality of Research” (R1&R2 indicators)  and #2 out of 15 when compared with the universities of… Continue reading The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) ranks the University of Naples “Parthenope” as the First University for “Quality of Research” in Southern Italy.

European Commission launches one-stop-shop to support researchers of Ukraine

The European Commission launched the ‘European Research Area for Ukraine’ (ERA4Ukraine) portal, a one-stop-shop for information and support services to Ukraine-based researchers and researchers fleeing Ukraine; it is launched on the existing EURAXESS network, which supports researchers accross the EU Member States countries associated to Horizon Europe. The ERA4Ukraine portal also links to #Science4Ukraine, a… Continue reading European Commission launches one-stop-shop to support researchers of Ukraine

Special educational support measures for Ukrainian students

  University of Naples “Parthenope” will take special educational support measures for Ukrainian students During the meeting of the board of governance bodies of the University of Naples “Parthenope”, held on 16 March 2022, the following special aid measure have been discussed. Authorize the enrolment of maximum 10 Ukrainian students (coming from Ukraine) after the… Continue reading Special educational support measures for Ukrainian students


Dear students, Starting from today 24th March 2022, it is possible to submit  applications for  the academic year 2022/2023 at University of Naples “Parthenope”. All information on the procedure are available from here. Submissions for International students will have to be done  via Universitaly platform, section “International Students 2022” . Should you require any further… Continue reading APPLICATIONS FOR A.Y. 2022/2023 ARE NOW OPEN

ITHENTICATE for Authors & Researchers

NEWS: iThenticate, the brand-new software for plagiarism adopted by “Parthenope” University University of Naples “Parthenope” has obtained the license to access iThenticate, a brand-new software used to scan documents for plagiarism sponsored by Turnitin. It allows to verify the originality of texts written and produced within the academic research context (articles, papers, book chapters, bachelor… Continue reading ITHENTICATE for Authors & Researchers

Research Professional

University of Naples “Parthenope” has subscribed a membership to Research Professional, a user-friendly interface platform which makes it easier and smoother looking for scientific research funding opportunities. Thanks to its advanced tools, users can customize research criteria to browse hundreds of international, national, community calls. Moreover, Research Professional offers a News section, where visitors can… Continue reading Research Professional


As per Rector’s Decree n.166/ 2022 The deadline for the assessment of qualifications to access biennial Master’s Degree courses – academic year 2021/2022- provided by the School of Economics and Law and the School of Sciences,Engineering and Wellness, has been extended to 31st March 2022. The deadline for the enrolment at biennial Master’s Degree courses… Continue reading MASTER’S DEGREES (biennial)-ENROLMENT DEADLINE EXTENSION

II Semester Classes Timetables- A.Y. 2021-22

The Timetable for the second semester of the A.Y. 2021/2022 is now available. International Students attending courses held in English must note these dates and ensure their availability to fulfill all academic requirements for their programme of study. The dates are accurate at the time of publication; the University of Naples “Parthenope” reserves the right… Continue reading II Semester Classes Timetables- A.Y. 2021-22