Ukraine:”Parthenope” University takes part to the appeal of The General Assembly of Italian University Rectors (CRUI)

Parthenope University takes part to the appeal of The General Assembly of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) regarding the ongoing conflict which is disfiguring Ukraine, deeply wishing that the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, dated February 23rd, on the need to undertake a peaceful dialogue will be heard. These are critical moments and… Continue reading Ukraine:”Parthenope” University takes part to the appeal of The General Assembly of Italian University Rectors (CRUI)

Erasmus + and International Students Welcome Day 25.02.2022

“Erasmus and international students  Welcome Day” 25th February 2022 at 11.30 am! Taking part in this initiative you will have the opportunity to meet part of the teaching staff, other international students and your Coordinators at “Parthenope”. The Welcome Day will take place in Pacanowski Building (address: Via Generale Parisi 13, Naples).  We wish to remind that people cannot… Continue reading Erasmus + and International Students Welcome Day 25.02.2022

International Students Admission (2021/22 deadline expired)

The applications for the current academic year (2021/22) are closed.  The applications for the next academic year will start in spring 2022.  Check this page to be informed of any changes.

Parthenope among the Global Top 25 performers

The University of Naples Parthenope has been ranked by U-Multirank amongst the top-performing universities around the world. For U-Multirank’s 2021 edition, University of Naples Parthenope is among the Global Top 25 performers in the “Co-Publications with Industrial Partners” category.   According to the university’s performance profile across the five U-Multirank dimensions – the University of… Continue reading Parthenope among the Global Top 25 performers

Academic Calendar 2021-22

The Timetable for academic year 2021/2022 is now available. International Students attending courses held in English must note these dates and ensure their availability to fulfill all academic requirements for their programme of study. The dates are accurate at the time of publication; the University of Naples Parthenope reserves the right to amend them in the… Continue reading Academic Calendar 2021-22

Covid-19 Restriction, Update for prospective students, Academic Year 2021/22

The Italian Government has ordered that from 1st September,  the health passport (the so-called “Green Pass“) is mandatory for all university students, both domestic and international students. Consequently, without the exhibition of the Green Pass, access to the University of Naples Parthenope is not allowed. According to the European and the Italian Regulation, the Green… Continue reading Covid-19 Restriction, Update for prospective students, Academic Year 2021/22

COVID-19: Information and operational guidance for international students

These guidelines represent the first update of the protocol for the prevention of contagion from COVID-19 approved on May 5, 2020. The University of Naples Parthenope is actively monitoring the latest developments related to the Covid-19 outbreak and its consequences. We are fully implementing the measures taken by the Italian authorities and encourage all students… Continue reading COVID-19: Information and operational guidance for international students

Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R)

One among Parthenope University goals is to become an integral part of the European Research Area (ERA), thus generating an attractive effect for private investments and for the best European and international brains, reversing the negative trend of recent decades. In the Official Journal of the European Union n. 251 / CE of 23 March… Continue reading Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R)